
本系列共 3 段视频 (1/3):老外如何选择合适的供应商


访谈嘉宾:Michael Crotty & Daniel Krassenstein

Michael Crotty是MKT & Associates Ltd.的 CEO和创始人,上海美国商会的董事。Michael还是TexStyle股份有限公司的董事长,并于2001年在中国成立其子公司TexStyle Asia (Shanghai) Co., Ltd。他在中国的纺织业拥有超过二十五年的经验。2007年,他成立MKT & Associates Ltd.,充分利用自身的资源优势建立中美公司的关系网。2012年3月,Crotty先生移居上海。
Michael Crotty, CEO and Founder, MKT & Associates Ltd. and Governor, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. Michael has over twenty five years of experience in the home textiles industry as the President of TexStyle, Inc and its China subsidiary, TexStyle Asia (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, that he founded in 2001. In 2007, he established MKT & Associates, Ltd to capitalize on his expertise in building networks between Chinese and US companies. In March of 2012, Mr. Crotty moved to Shanghai.

Daniel Krassenstein是Procon Pacific公司亚洲业务主管。 Daniel在亚洲和拉丁美洲生活长达30年,曾在上海、台北、雅加达、巴拿马和墨西哥等城市居住和工作。Daniel是一位经验丰富的全球供应链专家,尤其是在供应商合作和认证、劳动管理和规划、国际物流、通讯和危机管理等方面经验十足。Daniel精通多种语言,包括中文和西班牙语。
Daniel Krassenstein, Director Asia Operations, Procon Pacific. Daniel has 30 years’ experience in Asia & Latin America, and has lived and worked in Shanghai, Taipei, Jakarta, Panama & Mexico. Daniel is an experienced global supply chain expert, with specialization in vendor partnering & certification, labor management and planning, international logistics, communication and crisis management and is fluent in several languages, including Mandarin Chinese & Spanish.


- 中美采购专业人士之间的区别
- Differences between Chinese and US sourcing professionals.
- 如何选择合适的供应商
- How to choose the right suppliers.
- 对中国供应商的建议
- Suggestions for Chinese suppliers.
- 对价格的看法
- Views on price.
- 中国供应商的职业道德
- Work ethics of Chinese suppliers.
- 为什么中国供应商有竞争优势
- Why Chinese suppliers have the competitive advantage.
- 关系的重要性
- Importance of guanxi.
- 移居中国后遇到哪些意料之外的问题
- Unexpected hurdles after moving to China.
- 劳动成本提高、通货膨胀和中产阶级的兴起带来的影响
- Impact of increasing labor cost, inflation and rising middle class.
- 中国供应商的稳定性
- Stability of Chinese suppliers.
- B2B和电子商务的影响
- Effects of B2B and ecommerce.
- 对有意拓展全球化业务的供应商提出的建议
- Advice to suppliers who would like to go global.